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Recruitment career opportunities

Our main value is people, our employees, their unique experience and expertise.

Any specialist who joins our team has the opportunity to solve complex and interesting problems, learn from the leading experts of Manpower, learn from the experience of our foreign colleagues and create innovative business solutions, realizing their own unique ideas.

There are two ways the career development can be pursued at the Manpower: expertise expansion and competencies development in one’s professional field or  horizontal and vertical development while working on projects.

Success story

Elena Maleva, Senior Recruitment Specialist.

I joined Manpower in 2006. At the time I have already been an experienced professional in different field. I have been teaching for many years, but life circumstances made me start looking alternative routes for development.

It is difficult to change everything when you are an adult, but I managed to overcome my fears, doubts, and came to work in an unknown field - recruitment.

I began my “career” as an Assistant.

I would sit with interns and learn from young recruiters, younger than my daughters. Yes, at the time young girls were my mentors and I am forever grateful for that. I got to recruit professionals in almost every field: secretaries, salesmen, logisticians. I am now a senior recruiter. Many of my beloved colleagues were once my assistants and now they have become successful recruiters. The most distinguishing feature of our company is a team of like-minded professionals, which is our main value. Despite of all the "growth difficulties" of the company the team spirit of our team has been strengthening for many years.

I’m still interested in my work, always being dynamic and eventful, which makes me actively live and develop. Every new project is a new professional challenge.

I am interested in meeting people, trying to find the exact type of candidates the companies are looking for. It is important for me that I help them find a job, do some good. Any placement is not just a result of my work, something I get paid for, but a moment of joy for a candidate for finding a good job in a great organization. Those candidates who make it to the final interviews, for the most part, have our preferences as well , we like them as people, we are passionately rooting for them, we hope they succeed.

We all know that you’ve got to enjoy what you do, but this enjoyment doesn’t come from the outside in, it comes from within. Understanding of this basic principle helps to overcome routine and succeed.

Don’t’ be afraid of anything, you can find work at any age. The crucial  thing is to believe in yourself and the work you do.

If you are professional, ambitious and want to become a member of our team, send your resume. Please specify the department you are interested in in the subject line.